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Allergies suck. Plain and simple.
I’ve been dealing with my kids allergies for many years and its so common, even scary
More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergy symptoms each year. Allergies can spring up during any season, but the most common times are spring and fall.
According to Medical News Today, an allergy is “a hypersensitive immune response to substances that either enter or come in contact with the body”.
In other words, your body overreacts when an allergen gets in, leading to symptoms that range from mild to severe. These symptoms are the body’s way of trying to get rid of the offending substance.
Allergens can come from both indoor and outdoor sources, such as:
- mildew & mold
- dust mites
- pet dander
- grass
- trees
- plant pollen
- food allergens
- detergents, soaps, lotions, etc.
You may already be aware that supplementing with magnesium can alleviate deficiency symptoms like loss of appetite, fatigue or weakness, but did you know that it can also help with seasonal allergies?
The Immune System & Histamines
As I’ve said, allergy symptoms occur when your body’s immune system overreacts to substances in your environment, such as cat dander, dust or pollen. Your system starts fighting them as if they were bacteria or viruses by releasing a biochemical called histamine.
Most allergens are harmless and the majority of people aren’t seriously affected by them.
When you have an allergic reaction to something your body thinks that that substance is a pathogen (i.e. bacteria, a virus, a parasite, etc.) and tries to destroy it.
These are some of the more common allergy symptoms:
- itching
- coughing
- sneezing
- rashes/ hives
- swollen eyes
- dry eyes
- runny nose
- throat swelling
- itchy throat
Magnesium & Allergy Response
Some doctors believe that a healthy diet and certain nutritional supplements can support your immune system, keeping it strong but not overactive.
One of these supplements is magnesium. This crucial mineral helps relieve constricted airways in the lungs.
One study found that lab animals that were severely deficient in magnesium had higher blood levels of histamine when exposed to allergens than animals that were getting enough magnesium. Remember, histamines are released by your body in response to allergens; they are the cause of allergy symptoms.
Even some food allergies could be the result of a magnesium deficiency, as bodyandsoulreconnection.com explains: “The mineral magnesium and the amino acid histidine are also needed to break down wheat. Therefore, if any or a combination of these nutrients are depleted in our body we have a negative reaction to wheat. We may also exhibit problems with airborne allergens, dust, dog or cat dander, detergents, wool or feathers when we have sensitivity to wheat.”
They also found that corn allergies could indicate a need for more magnesium in your diet as well.
Magnesium deficiency is something that plagues a majority of people, though most are unaware of it.
To learn more about symptoms of magnesium deficiency, check out our popular post, Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms: Many Problems, One Simple Solution.
Prevention Magazine notes that magnesium “helps relieve constricted airways in the lungs”. According to an article in the British medical journal The Lancet, healthy magnesium levels are associated with lower rates of asthma and allergies.
Studies like this one show that magnesium can help with keeping the smooth muscles of the airway relaxed and can also help to dilate bronchioles. In addition, magnesium keeps histamine levels down and reduces inflammation in the lungs and the airway overall.
There are various foods you can eat to increase your daily intake of magnesium. Here are a few you can try:
- kelp
- almonds
- cashews
- parsley
- avocado
- brown rice
- rice
- soy beans
- leafy greens
Children and Magnesium
Many parents are beginning to look to magnesium supplements to help their children with allergies. Epidemiological studies have shown that patients with asthma often have lower levels of magnesium than healthy controls. Low magnesium levels are associated with lower measures of several lung functions, including lung capacity and airway flow.
This is important information for parents since it seems that many children are magnesium deficient. More and more evidence of magnesium deficiency in childhood is beginning to emerge.
Writing for Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine, Dr. Mark Sircus notes that “Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002 showed that when the diets of 2,566 children ages 11-19 were studied, less than 14% of boys and 12% of girls had adequate intakes of magnesium.”
Spray Those Allergies Away
Magnesium supplements can make allergy season much easier to cope with if you’re one of the 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies. Sure, there are plenty of over the counter medications, but if you can avoid the side effects and beat back your allergy symptoms with a natural remedy, all the better.
What better way to battle your allergies than to simply spray them away?
When you’re on the go and start to feel your allergies kick in, pull out that magnesium and spray. EASE Magnesium is so safe it can even be used on children who are too young for other supplements (though we don’t recommend any supplements or health products for children under 18 months without the guidance of their doctor).
Unlike other transdermal magnesium supplements EASE won’t leave an itchy residue.
This Magnesium is a topical spray that you can use to help with your allergy symptoms. Your muscles, bones, brain and heart will also benefit.
Each bottle of Magnesium is filled to the top with 100% pure iMCH™, our all-natural, bioavailable magnesium. Each spray delivers 27.2mg of magnesium. It is easily absorbed by the skin, enters the bloodstream and goes right to work in your cells. It can also help to eliminate aches, pains and feelings of stress and anxiety. Getting your daily intake of magnesium has never been so easy. Spray away your allergies!
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