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Skincare “Self-Image Phenomenon”

“Greatest illness is of our mind,  so is the greatest cure”

#GERD#Hyperglycemia#LIPH#Fasting#HyaluronicAcid #Collagen  #LiverGallbladderCleanse #Hemp #Stress #BrainAge #Drugs #EndocrineDisruptiors #Hypertension#Microplastics #WaterSmarts #ToxicChemicals #LiverHealth #MilkThrisle #Magnesium #LiverCleanse #MedicinalMushroomsForAtheleticPerformance #BrainBoostingMedicinalMushrooms #RoyalColloids  #CalciumDGlucarate #ProteinMalfunction #MedicinalMushrooms #JapaneseLongevitySecret #PlantarFasciitis  #BlackCuminTheBlackGold #ThroatThyroidEsophagusLarynx#BasicBiohacks#SkinHealth#VariousLipids #Radiation #LungHealth #Sinkholes #Praying #HepatitisC #ImmuneBoostingFoods #ImmuneBoostingSupplements #ImmuneBoostingBiohacks #BetaGlucans #BetaGlucanKids #Phytoplankton #DetoxChampagne

How to live fully?

To feel our body and mind functioning  on 100%?

To be able to constantly create?

We unfortunately, have lost our relaxed state over time. Modern man is too tense, too concerned on quick results.

Nowadays, we act backwards and destructive, starting outwards and almost never have time to reach inwards to our souls.

We worry how we look first, creating false self Image.

Fortunately …..this can be thought

Changing the self image is both mental and physical process

Self Image or SI is formed in early childhood.

Origin and family conditioned your present SI but not future SI, so don’t worry –  you are always in charge!

Each one of us carries mental blueprint of ourselves, built from our past experiences, how people around us reacted

Negative SI is just a bad habit and normally takes 6 weeks max to break it. It all starts with believing and adopting the new SI “Fake It Till Make It” principle

And be very carefully, choose SI you can:

  • LIVE with
  • FEEL secure with
  • BE proud of
  • ENABLES you to add more and grow at any stage of your life

So, “Why skincare industry will be always thriving?”

Fact is that changing your face automatically reconstruct your psyche and this is the fastest way to develop positive SI. This is the paradox nowadays, still we need to accept and use it to our advantage. Brain and nervous system function as servomechanism (auto-guidance) defined by SI