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1 Day Liver/Gallbladder Quick Cleanse for Deep Detox and General Wellbeing

#GERD#Hyperglycemia#LIPH#Fasting#HyaluronicAcid #Collagen  #LiverGallbladderCleanse #Hemp #Stress #BrainAge #Drugs #EndocrineDisruptiors #Hypertension#Microplastics #WaterSmarts #ToxicChemicals #LiverHealth #MilkThrisle #Magnesium #LiverCleanse #MedicinalMushroomsForAtheleticPerformance #BrainBoostingMedicinalMushrooms #RoyalColloids  #CalciumDGlucarate #ProteinMalfunction #MedicinalMushrooms #JapaneseLongevitySecret #PlantarFasciitis  #BlackCuminTheBlackGold #ThroatThyroidEsophagusLarynx#BasicBiohacks#SkinHealth#VariousLipids #Radiation #LungHealth #Sinkholes #Praying #HepatitisC #ImmuneBoostingFoods #ImmuneBoostingSupplements #ImmuneBoostingBiohacks #BetaGlucans #BetaGlucanKids #Phytoplankton

1 Day Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse

What you need:

EPSOM Salt – 4 tbsp

GRAPEFRUIT – 2 pink or 1 yellow (room temperature)

OLIVE OIL (light) – 1/2 cup

Follow Instructions Closely:

The day you start – Eat non-fat breakfast or just juice to be safe

Same day after 2pm – No food, No water

Mix 3 cups of water with 4 tbsp Epsom Salt, stir well till salt is dissolved completely, make 4 equal parts

6pm  – drink one glass of Epsom Salt

8pm – drink 2nd glass of Epsom Salt

9:30pm – squeeze the grapefruit by hand, take the pulp and seeds also by hand

Mix Grapefruit juice and Olive Oil

Go to  bathroom for the last time

10pm sharp – shake Grapefruit/Olive Oil Mix, drink and go to bed

Lay flat on your back with head elevated on a pillow for at least 30-40 min

Afterwards, you can lay on sides or even get up, or just sleep

8am – drink 3rd glass of Epsom Salt

10am – drink last (4th) glass of Epsom Salt

In between, you will go to the bathroom a lot

Green waste you see is from Gallbladder, Brown – from Liver

By noon you will be fully recovered, drink a glass of orange juice at 1pm, another one at 3pm, you can drink water as well

Dinner – greens without dressing or oil

Next morning you can go back to your normal diet

NOTE: This Cleansing can be done only twice a year, 6 months apart!

WHAT TO EXPECT: Improved liver/bladder efficiency, weight loss, better mobility, clear & brighter eye color, improved vision, better focus, balanced state of mind, bliss and oneness
