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Brain Boosting Medicinal Mushrooms

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Research has found that a chemical found in some mushrooms improves grey matter in the brain

Research has found that a chemical found in some mushrooms improves grey matter in the brain

Regular consumption of certain types of mushrooms may be associated with brain changes that reduce the risk of developing dementia. After analyzing different types of mushrooms, is determined that they promoted the increased production of nerve growth factor in the brain, which contributes to the formation of new neurons in the gray matter, an important factor in our ability to retain and retrieve memories.

What kinds of mushrooms were most beneficial? Unfortunately, not the white or button types that many of us include on salads or add to pizza. But several—including lion’s mane and reishi—were shown to actually improve cognitive functioning. And Cordyceps, which Jon Barron uses in his immune boosting formula, demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in the brain, possibly enough to aid in staving off memory loss.

Lion’s Mane (Hericum erinaceus)  Image result

  • Nerve regeneration, remyelination, and increased Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Lion’s mane is a potent catalyst for brain tissue regeneration

  • Stimulate nerve growth and improve cognitive impairment and function

Psilocybe (aka pans and cubes)  Related image

  • Consciousness expansion, telepathy,  achieving a new level of mental clarity.

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) Dong Chong Xia CaoRelated image

  • Protect against Alzheimer’s as it prevents neuronal cell death and memory loss through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Ling Zhi, Mannentake, “The Mushroom of Immortality”Image result for reishi

  • Enhance learning memory and brain function