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Detox Champagne – The Ultimate Golden Detox

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Champagne vs. Prosecco: Do You Know the Difference?


What you need:

Apple Cider Vinegar  ACV (1 tbsp) 
Bragg is the best brand so far (organic, raw, unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized, with the mother, 5% acidity)  Also known as ACV.
It will cleanse your body, shoots up the PH level and kill all sorts of bacteria, leaving you with flawless skin and a Beach Body
Activation is my #1 choice.  Natural powerful antioxidant. Its called “Ultimate Life Elixir for All Illnesses Except Death” for a very good reason
Baking Soda (1/4 tsp)
Arm & Hammers is a safe brand – aluminum free. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the vinegar so you don’t harm the enamel on your teeth, and it neutralizes in your stomach anyway so you are still getting all the benefits of the ACV. It is actually easier for your body to absorb what it needs to from the ACV if you neutralize it first. By taking out that step, you saved your body that work and now it can use all of its energy to absorb what it needs. You want to get it to about a 7% alkaline level. The ACV you buy in a grocery store is about 5%. The more that acid bothers you (GERD, acid reflux etc) the more Baking soda you should use. Start with 1/8 of a teaspoon and assess your tolerance. I have found ¼ teaspoon to be the magic number for me.
How to make the champagne:
Mix everything in a bottle or a tall glass except the baking soda
Add 1/2 cup water to the mixture
Add the soda at the end
Shake or stir once, wait a min …….and drink
Best time for the Detox Champagne is on empty stomach, after 12 -17 hr of rest (no food)
Immediate symptoms you will notice using Detox Champaign:
  • Quick alkaline level spike
  • Less overall pain (joints, muscles, headache, internal inflammations) 
  • Better mobility (due to antiflammatory properties)
  • Less anxiety & better mood
  • Mental clarity
  • Better sleep
  • Weight loss
  • Hormonal balance
  • Skin improvement (elasticity & tone)
  • Cellulite reduction 
  • More energy